In June Farmstrong turned 5. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been involved so far.
The willingness of farmers and growers to share their stories and insights has been key to progress so far. An independent evaluation of Farmstrong in 2019 found that over 18,000 farmers and growers had been involved in a range of ways in the previous 12 months.
To mark this 5 year milestone, we put together a short and fun birthday video featuring Farmstrong ambassador Sam Whitelock and some of the farmers who’ve come on board. You can watch it here.
Farmstrong chats with Sam - keep on learning
Farmstrong’s been chatting online with our ambassador Sam Whitelock about learning and what sport has taught him that he’ll take back into farming.
“When I hang up my boots eventually I’ll head back into farming. Recently, I’ve been spending some time on my farm and working on my own skills and what else I need to learn.
“One of the main things that I’ve learnt from sport is that even the toughest times are an opportunity for learning. That’s something I’ll be taking into farming to help me deal with pressure. That old saying, which I can still picture my father reciting, is so true—control the controllables.”
“It’s all about keeping perspective and looking at what you can control or just influence. To turn a negative situation around, ask yourself, ’what’s the positive here, is this an opportunity to learn something new?”
You can watch the Farmstrong chats with Sam here.
Top tips from Sam Whitelock on learning
- Share your knowledge with others
- Know your preferred learning style
- Ask others you work with how they like to learn and receive feedback
- The best learning comes from giving things a go including making mistakes
- Keep learning and improving your skills