Kia ora koutou katoa As the end of the year approaches, everyone across our One Team at FMG appreciates just how tough a year it has been for many across the Agricultural sector. Particularly for the country’s sheep farmers.
All farmers would like to see costs behind the farmgate decrease. Fortunately, the forecast and now relatively quicker than anticipated drop in interest rates should help, as will the premium decreases we have implemented across several product lines in November.
However, despite the ‘green shoots’ emerging across some parts of the rural economy, it continues to be a tough time for the New Zealand Aotearoa Wool industry. That is why FMG is committed to continuing our support of this amazing and sustainable product. You can read more about it on page 6.
As the country’s leading rural mutual and 100% locally owned insurer, FMG is increasing our advocacy for rural communities. We’ve actively engaged with several key Government Ministers over the course of this year, across several important topics of conversation. One of those being last year’s severe weather events. We have endeavoured to share a uniquely rural perspective, combined with insights from those events and the wide-ranging impacts they’ve had on rural and provincial communities who suffered so badly in the aftermath. We’ve also discussed critical issues around productivity and wellbeing in the rural sector, with initiatives such as Farmstrong playing a leading role. Overall, FMG’s engagements with Government have been constructive and we look forward to carrying on those discussions for the benefit of our Members and clients in the future.
Speaking of which, the future focus theme of this issue of FMG Post is reflective of the thinking FMG has been giving to the topic of the future of insurance as the landscape changes. As a mutual insurer that will be celebrating 120-years of service to Rural communities in 2025, FMG is committed to keeping the promise we’ve made to our Members and clients strong for at least another 120-years. You can read more about the Future of Insurance on page 3.
Looking ahead to 2025, FMG has several significant milestones we will be celebrating with our employees, clients and Members. Firstly, on the 16th of March 2025, the Mutual celebrates 120 years of serving Rural and provincial communities. We’ll also celebrate 10 years of being a founding member of Farmstrong and 10 years as the Principal Sponsor of the FMG Young Farmer of the Year Contest. As New Zealand Aotearoa’s leading mutual insurer, we’ll also be joining with our fellow mutuals and co-operative businesses across the country/ motu to celebrate the United Nations’ International Year of Co-operatives.
With that I'm incredibly proud to announce that FMG has been named as Cooperative New Zealand Co-op/Mutual of the Year. A testament to the collective efforts of everyone across our One Team at FMG. You can read all about it on the back page.
Next year will also mark the conclusion of FMG’s current five-year strategy: Te Ara Tika ‘The Way Forward’ to 2025. As a result, we will be turning our eyes towards the future as we look towards 2030 and a new iteration of Te Ara Tika. It’s all about continuing to have a long-term approach to business.
Kind regards/ Ngā mihi,
Adam Heath