Have a fire safety plan
The main cause of commercial building fire claims is due to switchboard and wiring faults. FMG offers a thermal imaging service to clients as a simple, non-intrusive way to test your buildings and plant for increased or abnormal thermal energy posing an increased fire risk. Another key fire risk is hot work (e.g. welding, cutting or open-flame work).

Keep an eye on apprentices
Working on other people’s vehicles, or having their vehicles, machinery and equipment in your care, opens you up to additional risk if that property is damaged, destroyed or stolen. If you are found liable for the damage, you and your business could have to cover a hefty bill. It’s important to make sure all your employees are appropriately trained and qualified for the work they’re doing. You should also be aware of industry-specific standards and guidelines that you need to follow.

Know your RMA responsibilities
The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) has specific requirements for businesses as to how they dispose of hazardous materials. As well as the RMA, there may be additional bylaws, local body consents or regulations that you may need to be aware of. A key concern of the RMA is that hazardous substances don’t leak into waterways. Make sure you have adequate bounding around drums which is high enough to catch all fuel and regularly check and clear gully traps and outdoor areas to prevent run-off.