Liability Policy

  • What?

    We have updated references to ‘EQC’ to match the new name under the Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 – The Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake.


    Your policy has been updated to comply with the new Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023.  There is no change in your FMG cover.


    This change affects all policies renewing on or after 1 July 2024.

    Page and Clause What has changed? Why has it changed?
    Page 8 - We comply with the Privacy Act 2020

    We have updated reference to EQC to align with the new name – The Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake.

    Your policy has been updated to comply with the new Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023.
    There is no change in your FMG cover.

    Page 11, Clause 2.6 – We cover your legal liability for underground services.

    We have deleted the word “these” from the following sentence:

    - "...before starting the relevant work, you made inquiries with the relevant authority, company, or organisation to determine the exact location of the these underground services, and..."

    To remove a typo and improve the readability of the policy.
    There is no change in your FMG cover.