Take the time to induct your staff
We have paid over 900 milk claims in Waikato, worth over $3 million.
Employee error makes up 10% of these claims, so make sure those operating the shed are well trained. At the start of each season, provide training on your milking process to all employees – new and returning. When your milk is your main income, it’s key to manage the risk, a standard operating procedure will help you do this. There are DairyNZ resources available to get you started.

Focus on the ground ahead
In Waikato, over 50% of quad bike claims involved accidents on farm.
Majority of accident claims occurred in spring, often with wet or slippery ground as a contributing factor. Over 1 in 2 rollover claims occur on hilly slopes, so take care and check the condition of the terrain before operating your vehicle. Event at slow speeds, it’s important to be actively riding your quad. Hitting objects, such as small logs, ruts, and mounds, can easily cause a quad to roll.

Complete regular inspections of your properties
Almost 50% of meth contamination claims occur in Waikato alone.
The use and/or manufacturing of meth is a concern for owners of rental and employee properties. Regular inspections will help maintain your property and your relationship with tenants. Give at least 48 hours’ notice prior to an inspection or meth testing. Test results must be provided in writing to each tenant within seven days of receiving them. Common signs that ‘P’ is being manufactured or used includes unusual chemical smells or yellow/brown staining of the interior, and appliance surfaces.