The Otago Southland Young Farmer region has a strong community that has been fostered and encouraged by all the clubs. They are able to come alongside each other and lend a hand (or a laugh) and work together to achieve awesome things for our communities.
Both the people and the land encompass a special spot at the bottom of the South Island. They get to enjoy some long summer days, but the cold winters create a resilient, hardworking bunch of locals, who cultivate a sense of community.
When you vote for Otago Southland, you are voting to support Southland Charity Hospital and the Otago Southland team.
“It was one family’s vision to see the health and wellbeing of our region be looked after, and as an individual that has struggled with my health over the years, I see that the health services in our region need our support. Plus, it is great to support a cause that is specifically servicing our community." Zac Thomas, Otago Southland representative.
The winning region contestants will win provincial glory and much more including:
- $5,000 for a good local cause chosen by them
- $1,000 to the senior contestant
- $1,000 to be split among the Junior contestants
- $1,000 to be split among the AgriKidsNZ.
Voters also go in the draw to win a $500 Prezzy card.
Voting closed 5pm, 13 July. Click here to read the full T&Cs.