This region is as diverse as it is wide. This Young Farmers community ranges from farmers to people working in other rural industries, giving this region a varied range of skills and specialities. It’s a plus that they have some amazing beaches too.
One of the best things about WaiBOP is the sense of community fostered by the strong clubs which are always eager to come together for various events and challenges.
When you vote for WaiBOP you are voting to support the Rural Support Trust and the WaiBOP team.
“I chose this charity as they do a lot to support the rural community” Dennis Main, WaiBOP representative.
The winning region contestants will win provincial glory and much more including:
- $5,000 for a good local cause chosen by them
- $1,000 to the senior contestant
- $1,000 to be split among the Junior contestants
- $1,000 to be split among the AgriKidsNZ.
Voters also go in the draw to win a $500 Prezzy card.
Voting closed 5pm, 13 July. Click here to read the full T&Cs.