April Fools!

We know farming is serious business, but on 1 April we think it's important to take some time out to be a bit irreverent, quirky, and have a few laughs - after all a laugh is good for our mental and physical well-being. Take a well-deserved break and check out our Wall of Fame looking back at all the most ridiculous farming innovations we've come up with over the years.

2024 | Kiwi tastes sweet success

A Northland poultry farmer has revealed the results of a nine year project to get hens to lay chocolate eggs. Feeding the birds daily with a secret recipe including cacao beans and half a glass of milk, his patience has paid off.

“It’s taken a long time to get production up to a commercial level, but now we’ve perfected the technique we believe this is eggsactly what the public are looking for. We’ve cracked it.” commented lan Fowler, owner of the farm.

Chocolate Chicken

2023 | Fashion footwear hits the farm

In a cross-over between town and country, a new farm boot is hitting the milking sheds.

Combining the comfort of the hugely popular Krocks with the practicality of a gumboot, the GumKrocks are set to be a huge seller this Winter. Limited stocks will be available from 1 April.

2023 | FMG Old Farmer of the Year

Just as our younger farmers are recognised on an annual basis for their rural know-how, the older generation will soon get their chance. FMG have announced the FMG Old Farmer of the Year competition. Contestants will need to be aged over 85 years old. They will battle it out over just one day, rather than two, with an afternoon nap after lunch. Entries need to be posted by midday on 1 April.

2022 | New sheep leash law

Aiming to reduce traffic congestion in rural areas, a new law comes into effect today requiring all sheep to be leashed while on public roads. Savvy farmers are offering split leashes with multiple collars to help those most in need. Click below for more information.

2021 | A new rural streaming service

Research showed sheep produce higher quality wool when they’re relaxed. So, a trial was launched across the North Island, with farmers installing large screen TVs on their properties, screening dedicated programmes on EweTube such as ‘The Endless Meadow’, ‘Our Grass: NZ’s Approach to Greener Grazing’, and the seven-hour epic, ‘How To Wear Wool Well’. The trial rolled out from 6am, April 1.

Sheep watching a tv screen

2020 | A serious approach to farm safety laws

In a push to further improve safety on farms, a new law came into effect where farm dogs must also wear helmets when travelling on quad bikes. Thankfully, there was a one month grace period where farmers could acclimatise their working dogs.

Dog wearing a red helmet

2019 | Highlighting the dangers of early morning milking.

In an aim to prevent injuries on dark, early morning walks to the milking shed, a group of Waikato farmers adopted the use of head lamps for their dairy cows. After trialling the idea over the course of a few months, the cows became well accustomed to the specially adapted headgear. A rollout of the initiative went live on April 1.

Cow wearing a headlamp

2018 | On the scent of innovation

From Bloodline Sensor Technologies comes a revolutionary smartphone app designed to assist farmers when buying new stud bulls: the BS Detector®. The app works by simply placing the smartphone deep in the bull’s solid waste. Of course, the BS Detector® is one thing you won’t need when talking to FMG. Even on April Fools’ Day.

Phone show graphs in a cow pat