Inspect and sweep your chimney annually
Fire in chimneys make up 1 in 4 of house fire claims in Southland.
While chimney fires make up only 4% of house claims by number, they account for almost 60% of claims by value. Inspect your fireplaces and chimneys for deterioration and get your flue swept annually before the winter season. We recommend installing a fireguard to prevent hot embers and sparks falling onto your rug and causing significant damage. Check your smoke alarm is working, they really do save lives.

Take the time to induct your staff
We have paid almost 350 milk claims in Southland, worth $1.6 million.
Employee error makes up almost 15% of these claims, so make sure those operating the shed are well trained. At the start of each season, provide training on your milking process to all employees – new and returning. When your milk is your main income, it’s key to manage the risk, a standard operating procedure will help you do this. There are DairyNZ resources available to get you started.

‘Stop & Pop’ to check for nests
We’ve paid $1.3 million for tractor fires in the last 3 years in Southland.
Bird’s nests are a leading cause, contributing to almost 1 in 3 claims. Each spring, we see a spike from starling nests under the hood of the tractor. They can build these in the time it takes you to have a cup of tea. It’s important to always stop and pop the hood of the tractor before turning the key. We also recommend having a serviced fire extinguisher installed.