The tractor's insured for more than they are.

We know how much we pay for an important asset like a tractor or horse float, but it’s harder to put a value on the person using those assets. It’s even harder still to think about the impact on the family and business if the driver of that vehicle were to become ill, disabled or were to die.

That’s what we’re here for. At FMG, we have those tough conversations with you and recommend a plan to that works for you.

Learn more about Life & Health cover

Planning for the future

We're fortunate to have public health options available for when accidents happen, and while ACC provides excellent support, it does have its limits, so it’s worth thinking about ongoing medical and rehabilitation costs you may have to cover yourself.

Planning for the future, tree control specialists Matt and Rob Duytshoff took out Life & Health insurance with FMG to look after themselves, their family and their business if they got sick or injured.

Learn more about their story

Don't sweat the small stuff

When Vicky was diagnosed with cancer they were so happy they’d taken out Trauma cover because the payout allowed Vicky and Simon to pause – wages for their employees were covered, mortgage payments on their home were covered.

Vicky and Simon have a close family, and their team at Hanmer Building Solutions are like family too. Life & Health cover turned out to be crucial to the continuation of their business and in supporting their family.

Learn more about Vicky's story

Cover to keep things running

What would you do if the key person to your farming operation wasn’t able to work? Do you know how much it would cost to replace them – think about the knowledge of your property, your systems and your skills.

Key Person cover can provide labour replacement should you be unable to work. This was crucial for Brian and Rachel who realised Brian was not just the key person in their operation, but the only person.

Learn more about their story