Park your quads inside
Rural crime is often a deliberate process, with lower value items being stolen to resell. Our claims data shows quad bike theft typically happens at night, with the quad being taken from inside or near to the house or a farm building. Installing security lighting around your property can be a deterrent to would-be thieves.

Report suspected rustling
It’s estimated that theft of livestock costs the rural community $120 million annually, but a lot of this theft doesn’t get reported to NZ Police. Stock theft is not only a threat to your farming business but also effects the wellbeing of farmers and their animals. It’s important to report all suspected rustling or unregulated sale of meat and cooperate with NZ Police investigations.

Keep a record
In FMG’s experience, chainsaws, tools, fuel, and firearms are commonly stolen items on farm. You can make valuable gear less attractive to thieves by engraving it or locking sheds and fuel tanks. This makes it more difficult for these items to be re-sold and easier for NZ Police to track down if stolen. We also recommend keeping a register of your assets, with any serial numbers or other identifying information, so if stolen items do turn up you can identify them easily.